Don’t Hate Your Job…There Really is Greater Happiness

Do you hate your job?
Public art work by Canadian artist Ken Lum, image by Bert Werk

Some accepted an invitation.

Others arrived serendipitously.

Me, I became aware of Happy Melly after reading the book Management 3.0: Leading Agile Developers, Developing Agile Leaders.  I followed a few different breadcrumbs: from the online resources on the “hub” or by noticing Melly’s smiling face on blog posts. Something resonated.

At Happy Melly, I found a community that gathers around a common set of core values and principles (and a dedication to helping people finding happiness at work) kind of like nomads around a friendly campfire.

I joined to share stories, songs, dances, rituals, tools, tool-making, and of course beverages. All of which nourish me (both the giving and the taking) and support me in a shared belief that “job satisfaction doesn’t have to be a myth.”

Don’t hate your job…there really is greater happiness to be found. Share on X

Slack – The Campfire

HM Campfire 21512465When I first arrived, I wandered around the main gathering space – the HM slack community. I explored and I found many side trails and clearings – virtual and whatever the opposite of virtual is (“In real life” seems not to be the correct phrase any more) with many interesting characters. (I’m not naming names…)

These paths led me to podcasts to listen to (e.g., and ), workshops to participate in, “games” to play at work.

And most of all relationships to build and nurture.

Gather around a common set of core values and principles like nomads around a campfire. Share on X

What Does Tomorrow Hold?

New friends and colleagues, locally and globally, … and greater happiness at work. 

What might be here for you? Join us and find out…

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