Team Learning Flow: From Frustration to Collaboration

Two identical team meetings. Same people, similar agenda, wildly different outcomes. Sound familiar?

Just as meditation practice varies day to day, team learning isn’t linear. The difference often lies in our awareness of the subtle factors shaping each experience.

Today’s reflection: How can you help make your team’s best learning moments different from the challenging ones? The answer might surprise you.

Reflections on Letting Go: Enabling Adaptive Organizations

In nature, change isn’t an event – it’s a constant flow. Trees don’t resist releasing their leaves when autumn comes.

Yet in organizations, we often grip tightly to “the way things are,” even when signs of necessary change appear.

Question: What are you holding onto that might need to fall away to make room for new growth?

Trust, Ownership, and Vision: Necessary Conditions for Great Team Performance

🌊 Explore the vital confluence of Trust, Ownership, and Vision in creating high-performing teams. Navigate the waters of leadership without falling into the twin sirens of command and control. 🚤⚓ #LeadershipJourney #HighPerformanceTeams

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