Navigating Complexity in Agile Transformations: Insights from a Conversation About Simplicity

In the ever-evolving realm (some might say distressing?) of Agile transformations and organizational change, one often overlooked factor is the power of simplicity. In a recent podcast conversation, my esteemed colleague, Chris Murman, and I delved deep into the concept of simplicity and how it fits into the intricate world of Agile transformations.

Agile, The Progress Principle, and a Healthy Inner Work Life

If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend the book: “The Progress Principle.” The authors’ explored the question: “What really makes people happy, motivated, productive, and creative at work…?” Plot spoiler alert: the title is a dead giveaway on what makes us and our teams tick: The strongest contributing factors: …

Agile Team Engagement, Health & Happiness Checks

Now more than ever companies are exploring ways of measuring and visualizing how their teams are doing (KPI’s; ROV’s, NPS, etc.,)

The general idea being ya can’t improve what ya don’t measure. And without some sort of systemic approach with clear visualization – things would very much be a guessing game.

Multipliers, Revised and Updated

A revised and updated edition of the acclaimed Wall Street Journal bestseller that explores why some leaders drain capability and intelligence from their teams while others amplify it to produce better results. We’ve all had experience with two dramatically different types of leaders. The first type drains intelligence, energy, and …

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