The Power of a Good (User) Story

Ever since the dawn of our species, weโ€™ve told stories.

Weโ€™ve sung them, told them around campfires, painted them on cave walls, drew them on clay pots and canvases, woven them in tapestries and carved them into stone. Eventually we wrote them down.

Today, we share stories via sticky notes, podcasts, town halls, planning meetings and daily scrums.

Decision Making Patterns for Teams

๐Ÿค” Ever wondered how teams make decisions? Explore diverse patternsโ€”from Consensus to Random. Each has its pros and cons. Dive into a world of decision-making with clarity. Experiment, evolve, and find what works best for your team. ๐Ÿ”„๐Ÿš€ #TeamDecisions #LeadershipPatterns

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