Personal Maps – Getting to Know the Whole Human Being

🌐Embark on a journey of self-discovery! Ever tried personal cartography? Mapping your past, relationships, and experiences reveals the unique YOU. Share this adventure with your team to forge deeper connections and fuel high-performance collaboration. 🚀 #TeamBuilding #SelfDiscovery

Has Your Daily Scrum Become Stale?

Has the team’s daily stand-up lost a bit of freshness? How might you know? See if you can detect any of the following indicators:

No one seems to be listening to anyone else
Someone is giving waaaaaay too much detail
People are just reporting status: “I’ve been doing my job”
Lack of peer accountability
General dearth of energy

A Clear “No” Can Be More Graceful Than a Vague or Noncommittal “Yes”

Sometimes the right (or at least initial) response to a request for action “now” is “No.” – It’s far easier to say “yes” later on…
On the other hand, maybe you don’t even have to choose between “Yes” and “No” particularly if you’re trying to initiate a conversation.

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