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Practical Continuous Testing

 Author: Courtney Zhan  Category: Agile Testing  Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform  Published: 2021  ISBN: 1507742118  Pages: 268  Amazon

The trend of software development is moving towards frequent releases backed up by automated functional testing. Continuous Testing (CT), a key process of DevOps, executes automated end-to-end (UI) as regression testing, frequently on new builds. If all tests pass, the software is ready for a production release. there are test failures, the team must act quickly on the feedback. This book presents a practical approach to implementing real Continuous Testing. Topics include: Why do traditional CI servers, e.g. Jenkins, always fail to manage UI test executions? Set up a BuildWise (free, open-source) CT server to run Selenium tests in minutes Sequential Build, run selected tests on the CT server machine Custom test executions with Rake ParallelBuild, distribute tests to build agents to run them in parallel CT best practices, such as Dynamic Ordering, Auto-Retry, Manual-Retry, …, etc. Courtney Zhan provides advice on setting up a parallel testing lab

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