Trust, Ownership, and Vision: Necessary Conditions for Great Team Performance

🌊 Explore the vital confluence of Trust, Ownership, and Vision in creating high-performing teams. Navigate the waters of leadership without falling into the twin sirens of command and control. 🚤⚓ #LeadershipJourney #HighPerformanceTeams

Decision Making Patterns for Teams

🤔 Ever wondered how teams make decisions? Explore diverse patterns—from Consensus to Random. Each has its pros and cons. Dive into a world of decision-making with clarity. Experiment, evolve, and find what works best for your team. 🔄🚀 #TeamDecisions #LeadershipPatterns

Helping Team Members Stretch Their Communication Muscles: Kantor Four Player Model

It takes many different mindsets and behaviors to make a team hum. I am appreciating a view of collaborative behaviors developed by David Kantor (as part of his work on Structural Dynamics), and am finding it useful as a way to hold up a mirror to a team that is interested in understanding and improving their communication. 

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