Slowing Down to Speed Up – Effective Asynchronous Communication for Teams

After many years of being part of 100% collocated teams, I’ve returned to working with 100% distributed, virtual, or remote teams. To remain effective, high-performing distributed teams rely on a number of important factors such as trust, ownership, a focus on results, and effective communication to get stuff done.

From Chaos to Successful Distributed Agile Teams with Johanna Rothman and Mark Kilby

Listen in as Johanna Rothman and Mark Kilby discuss their new book “From Chaos to Successful Distributed Agile Teams” with hosts Collen Johnson and Andy Cleff. Distributed work is not the same as collocated work. But agile principles can be adapted and applied to distributed teams.

Resource Links: Six Steps Towards Self Learning Teams and Organizations

Unlock Agile Wisdom: Dive into my presentation on self-learning teams. Access slides and valuable handouts for Metrics and Team Health. Discover the secrets of Deliberately Developmental Organizations and making work visible. Listen to thought-provoking podcasts and explore powerful resources.

Lifting the Curse of Organizational Silence (3 of 3)

Think about your organization or work unit. Do they value innovation and employee participation? If you believe the answer is “yes,” read on.

On the other hand, if your organization is truly cursed by silence, and the risk of speaking up far exceeds the value, if you can’t quite decide between apathy or silent resistance, you can skip ahead to the conclusion!

Breaking the hard-trodden soil of silence at the worker-bee level will not be an easy task. It will take a great deal of courage, resilience, and vulnerability. It will also be tough to plow alone. That’s where alliances come in. Let’s work through all of this, one row at a time.

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