Dreading the Corporate Personal Development Plan (PDP)?

In the “Vent” channel of a Discord community I’m part of, a friend, Jay, recently posted their dismay at having to write and submit a Personal Development plan.

About as much fun as the companion ritual of the Individual Annual Performance Review?!

So leveraging Claude.ai for a bit of fun, I created some PDP options for Jay

Chartering High Performance Teams through the “24/7 Lecture”

Chartering high-performance teams is no easy thing. Teams often struggle to establish a strong collective identity and build a starter set of working agreements. As a facilitator, I’ve found that helping folks clearly define their “Why, What, and Who” is foundational for building high-performing, cohesive teams. A recent Facebook prompt, …

Decoding the Scrum Master Journey

Explore the uncharted territory of the Agile jungle with seasoned Scrum Masters. Gain insights into distinguishing roles, balancing likability and accountability, navigating conflicts, and fostering personal growth. Join the conversation on the intricacies of the Scrum Master’s journey, offering valuable guidance for both newcomers and seasoned practitioners in the Agile realm.

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