Requirements by Collaboration

“I spend much time helping organizations capture requirements and even more time helping them recover from not capturing requirements. Many of them have gone through some motions regarding requirements as if they were sleepworking. It”s time to wake up and do it right-and this book is going to be their …

Lines of Inquiry: Agile Communication and Collaboration

Discover the key to effective teamwork beyond processes and best practices. Explore the four lenses of Integral Agile – “I,” “We,” “It,” and “Its.” Learn how individual, relationship, process, and environmental aspects impact agile communication and collaboration.

Embrace the Mess: How Oblique Thinking Sparks Creativity

What if the secret to creativity lies in embracing the “mess”? Learn how legendary artists like Keith Jarrett have transformed obstacles into creative breakthroughs using oblique thinking – a mindset that transforms chaos into opportunity for powerful problem-solving.

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